What's New

July 6, 2021

Monthly review, bulk transaction editing

You can now view a monthly report of everything happening with your money. This feature is accessible from the dashboard on mobile. You can also now bulk edit multiple transactions at once

Monarch Team


Review your month so far

Research shows frequently checking in with your finances helps you stay in control. So, we’ve added a new monthly progress feature that gives you a quick way to see where you are in the month across your cash flow, plan, and net worth.You can also view past months to see how you did at the end of the month.

Bulk edit transactions

A highly requested feature we've built bulk editing transactions, available first on the web, you can select multiple transactions at once and edit them in one place. You can even hide multiple transactions straight from the Transactions page.

Other Improvements

  1. On the Investments Performance page, we made the headers sortable so you can sort your holdings however you like.
  2. On the web, we added a new Investments dashboard widget. Like all widgets, this can be rearranged on the page or hidden completely.
  3. We added a new push notification for when a new Apple Card statement is ready for import.
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